Thursday, July 1, 2010


Everything had been going so well; day 5 of fasting, no cutting for a couple of weeks. And then mum makes me eat dinner. Then because I ate I couldn't stop and kept eating all biscuits and shit. My stomach hurts :( fucking food.
I went to my room and did 200 crunches, wanting to purge but I've never got it to work before...and its gross...people would notice.
Then I got out my razor entire inner forearm is now covered in cuts, though barely more than scratches. I think I cut my tongue a little while licking the razor...does blood have calories in it?
I feel like suck a fat, disgusting, pig. I just want to cry. I feel so much fatter now, my collar bones feel less defined, my stomach feels bloated and huge.
I was so close to getting below my lowest weight! If I have gained in the morning...I have no idea...maybe bash my head against the wall for a while.


  1. 5 days is fucking great. Just fast more and exercise to try to make up for it. I'm really sorry about the cutting=[ I don't know what to say to try to make you feel better about it, but I can relate. At least you've been doing really well for a long time. Just try to hang in there, sweetie.

  2. That's how it works for me too. I can go a long time without eating, but once i'm made to eat something...i eat everything. Try not to be so hard on yourself, hunny. You can make up for it.
    I always licked the razor when i cut too. Blood just tasted too good to pass up... I always told myself that the calories in it wouldn't count because they were coming out of my body anyway... BUT no cutting! I know you feel better by doing so, but it really is bad for you.
