Sunday, May 23, 2010

Posting again but meh...

I haven't eaten all day and I feel great! I'm full of energy and I feel happy. I'm practically bouncing off the walls with energy; I'm moving around faster than usual and practically skip when I walk. This doesn't happen all the time when I don't eat but it has happened before. Does this ever happen to anyone else?


  1. It happens to me a lot actually. More when I work out a ton. It usually includes me being kind of floaty/dizzy and I just want to spin around and dance and jump. Congrats on doing so great=] (btw you don't know me. I don't think I've commented on your blog before, but I'm Cora.)

  2. Yes, isn't it a lovely feeling? Even more so when you're depressed like me, the energy feels especially sweet. :) The only problem is trying to sleep...
