Friday, January 29, 2010

Fat fat fat

My periods started today so I feel lower than crap. I feel like crying constantly and I feel fucking HUGE.

I have noticed recently that everyone around me looks fatter than they used to. When I say everyone I mean it. Random strangers I would previously have thought thin I now think they are not so thin and I notice every flaw about them from bad hair, small or large amounts of fat, blemishes, the way they walk and how their fat jiggles. Does everyone see this or is it just me? Do people notice these things about me? I never used to notice this so much. I'm so paranoid.


  1. i mite not noe u but i think u mite just be exaggerating i bet u look fine :)

  2. I notice those things about other people, but i'm sure it's only those of us with EDs that notice it about people. The general population doesn't ever notice that kind of thing.
