Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've been eating too much and not doing enough exercise. I feel depressed to the point of dysfunction. I don't even know what to write. All of this brought on by going to see the psychologist. Aren't they supposed to make you feel better not worse?


  1. Aw. darling, i'm sorry you're feeling so down. Sending you all the hugs and love it takes to make you feel 100% better. (Even if that is a ton!)

  2. Going to my therapist makes me feel more depressed, too. Drudges up all kinds of horrible feelings and memories and bullshit that just makes me want to eat and eat and starve but then I fail and eat... I'm sorry you're feeling the same. They say that in therapy, you often have to feel worse before you feel better, meaning you have to address some stuff that you'd normally just bottle up and ignore...It's hard, but you've got support and understanding here, at least.

