Monday, February 8, 2010


Toss a couple of vegetarian sausages in the microwave, add a little tomato sauce, add salad, smear tomato sauce artfully, empty plate into bin, take out rubbish, dinner is served! I love being home alone.

I'm now going to print out some thinspo.

Remember, craving is only a feeling.

Oh! I forgot! I wrote this today:

Ana, my angel, my feather weight doll. Help me achieve perfection, banish every last role. This fat, it drags me down, makes me ugly and invisible. When I reach perfection, I will be invincible.

blah...sounds worse the more I read it...

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, being home alone is awesome. I always make fake dishes and print thinspo too. Lol. I don't think your poem sounds bad at all. In fact, i like it!
