Friday, June 4, 2010

Ande predictably I've gained. Don't tell me I'm plateauing again. I only just got past the last one and it seems to be happening again. Why can't I plateau at 50? At least that would be almost acceptable. But no, I'm stuck between 57 and 56...disgusting.

I watched supersize me yesterday. It seriously re enforced my reasongs for never going to fast food places. Fucking disgusting shit.
I really, really need to detox properly to get rid of of all the shit food would have built up in me over the years from all the crap they putin it these days. It seriously makes me want to never eat again even more but because of all the shit in it everyone is fucking addicted. All this stuff going around about how bad it is to be addicted to drugs, alcohol, caffine, and they go putting addictive crap in food and whine when you decide you want to break your addiction. Make up your fucking minds; addiction = good or bad?

I'm not eating from now until next week except for dad's birthday party where I will eat as little as I can get away with. It is so fucking pathetic that I am way above what losertown says I should be if I wasn't suck a lazy fuck. The weather shouldn't stop me from working out like it has been...except for the tornado...I think not workiong out then was acceptable. Though I did get a bit of exercise walking around for three hours inspecting to damage to the town.

Think thin, stay thin.

1 comment:

  1. Ick. Supersize Me is the best thing ever when it comes to turning you off toward food. I only ever watched it once, but since then i have refused to eat fast food at all.
    Stay strong, darling, and i'm sure you'll beat that plateau and reach your goals soon.
