Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls

It arrived today! YAY! The book is so interesting. The T-Shirt that came with it is just about the only t-shirt that I can wear without feeling like a fat cow. The bundle was supposed to come with 2 recipes but I don't think they were in the box, I'm almost glad about that because I certainly do not need anymore food. Though the recipes were of vegan muffins so they probably wouldn't have been completely evil. Anyway, I'm now feeling elegant and more wayward victoriany than I was before. I actually feel ok right now, probably because my shrink upped my dose of Zoloft (The medication that Emilie Autumn takes apparently, I feel special now ^.^ ), not that I haven't taken more than my dosage before (4x my dose... :| ) and a half tablets will probably only work for a week or two, then I'll need two tablets (that doesn't mix that well with Red Eye energy drink...I was all twitchy and jumpy for a couple of hours, I tend to get that way when I'm anxious...which is pretty much all the I was extra twitchy and jumpy).

Well day 2 of ABC has well. When I know that I'm going to be eating out I'll just have to not eat anything else that day because I don't know the calorie content of the food. Lets just hope that every day I have to eat out is a 500 cal day and not a 100 cal day.

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong, darling. It sounds like you're doing all right.
