Wednesday, January 20, 2010


My weight won't go down! I feel so pathetic. I feel like crying. But I don't cry anymore. No, I cry tears of blood from my wrist. Though that is getting more difficult to hide, being summer, it is hard to get away with wearing my arm warmer thingys all the time.

I'm doing the ABC diet but don't seem to be losing anything. My weight went up! My metabolism must really be shot. Damn. Well I am sticking to this diet.

My psychiatrist upped my anti-depressant medication and now I seem to be getting migraines. That little bitchy side effect better wear off soon. Though I could use it as an excuse...but parents seem to think the cure for everything is food. They'd just tell me, "Why don't you just eat some dinner, maybe it will go away then." Yeah right, it'll get worse if I eat because then I get all agitated and upset and that just aggravates a migraine.

I shall post more later if my head doesn't explode.

1 comment:

  1. Try thick bangle-style bracelets, or even cloth sweatbands. They've always worked for me. I wonder why cutting takes away the ability to cry normal tears...
    Stick with the diet, sometimes weight is just plain tricky. It might go down a lot by tomorrow. Stay strong, love.
